
Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Another Weekender Bag

Weekender Travel Bag

I have made one of these previously, for me.

And now I am making another.
I can't show you too much of this one as it's for Barb.
We are doing a one on one swap and the final design / look for this one is to be a surprise for Barb.

I am almost tempted to start another ..... just because.

These arrived yesterday from Pam.
Santa Sack Swap

.  She made my postie smile as he handed me the box.  
The Christmas bells attached to each parcel "jingled". I'm sure he felt like Santa :o)

The chockies are (well were) for Lily. She has eaten them already!)
Thank you Pam.

The Santa Sack that Shez made me last year is nice a full now.

Now I really should turn my attentions to getting some gifts under that tree
 for family as I really don't think 2 will cut it!

Hope you get to spend the day doing something you love.

hugs Sharon


  1. The bag is amazing Sharon, you have done a great job! Your Santa Sack is full!! Enjoy!

  2. I love your bag. You are so clever.

  3. LOts of lovely presents Sharon. Your bag is lovely. I'm sure Barb will love hers. Hugs......

  4. Lovely beginnings of Barbs bag. I have the same problem.....need to get some gifts for others under the tree.

  5. Who wouldn't love a jingly delivery, very Christmassy!

  6. Barb will love her bag Sharon. Lots of yummy looking parcels arriving

  7. This bag is gorgeous !! Well done Sharon !

  8. what a huge bag... I love how that new pile are wrapped with the bells...


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment as I know your time is valuable. hugs xx