
Tuesday, 31 December 2013

A scrappy 2014?

If you have been visiting here for a while you will know that I like to save my scraps
and I usually have at least one scrap project on the go at a time because I am a
strong believer that if you save them you need to be using them.

My last scrap project completed was my
"Scrap Containers" to store said scraps in.

I am planning to kick off 2014 with two scrap projects.

"Japanese + & X Quilt"

These amazing blocks are all by Jeanette over at Gone Aussie Quilting and I will be using this TUTORIAL
My blocks are going to feature a lot of low volume scraps as that container of scraps is truly out of control!

the second one is the
"Tone it Down"
This one is actually a Quilt along that is being hosted by
"American Patchwork and Quilting Magazine and is all over Instagram.

If you are on Instagram and would like to see more blocks, search the hastag #apqquiltalong

I am doing the "Super Scrappy" version which means a lot of 1.5" squares and no strip piecing.
This option best suits my desire to bust my scrap boxes :o)

So if your looking for me, I'm in my sewing room cutting scraps for these two.

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year.
See you in 2014.

hugs Sharon


  1. I'm sure I'm allowed to start a new quilt if it is a scrap one!! Really like the second one you've posted about... happy cutting and happy new year!

  2. I love your choices...funnily I have both those patterns out at the moment wondering whether I should start or not! I will love watching your progress!

  3. Oh you are a good girl. Will enjoy watching these.

  4. You will certainly 'bust' those scraps with the two quilts - can't wait to see the finished items!

  5. a safe and happy new year Shaz to you and G and kidlets ,sending big hugs to you all.xx

  6. Love the "Japanese and X "quilt. All your quilts are amazing. May you have a very scrappy(and happy) 2014

  7. They look like terrific scrappy quilts ...looking forward to seeing them at on of our Mill Rose get togethers.

  8. Those are lovely stash buster quilts you are planning to make. Will you ever get out of you sewing room tbough? I look forward to seeing your progress. Have a safe and happy new year .

  9. MMMmmm you'll certainly be kept busy with these two projects alone, I can't wait to catch up with again in Feb :) Barb.

  10. Those projects look amazing. Can't wait to see what you do with your fabric stash

  11. Couple of lovely projects there. I love your scrappy containers. I'd love to make some too but as I don't have a sewing room to put them in, there's not much point at the moment! One day! Have a great new year!

  12. Lovely projects ahead Sharon. Nothing nicer than a pretty scrappy quilt. Happy new year to you and your lovely family xx

  13. Sharon those quilts are stunning. I look forward to seeing how they come together.

  14. Happy 2014 Sharon...totally love your new projects...

  15. Have fun creating with your scraps in 2014....

  16. Your new projects look beautiful, wishing you a happy 2014 with plenty of time for sewing!! xx

  17. These will be lovely projects Sharon. Wishing you lots of creative time in the coming new year!

  18. Happy New Year Sharon, Hugs O'faigh

  19. Both look so tempting ....starting on my scrap pile(s) thanks for sharing and best wishes for the New Year

  20. really looking forward to seeing how these come out Sharon. Great choices. I'd like to a do a low volume quilt one day.

  21. Both quilts look wonderful. They are a great challenge for 2014.
    Happy New Year.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment as I know your time is valuable. hugs xx