
Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Bits of everything

I don't know about you but I have had to revert to rewriting whats on the calendar 
onto A4 sheets of paper, one per week for the next couple of weeks and place
 it on the front of the fridge just so I know exactly where I am 
meant to be, going and with whom ........

Because of this and my limited time to actually sit in front of the laptop 
I'm going to give you an update on "stuff" all at once!

Monday afternoon was all about this ones last Ballet Class for the year 
and a Circus Themed Dress up day.

Later that day it was all bout taming that hair. Getting out the can of glitter hair spray I had emptied all over her and using almost 500mls of conditioner to get the knots out.  No easy task. Can't say I will be doing that again in a hurry!  Her hair is extra shiny now and no trace of the red cheeks! :o)

Ballet will be our main focus come Friday afternoon with Full rehearsals and then back again Saturday Afternoon for Full Dress Rehearsals and then the main Performance Saturday night.
All a learning curve for me. I've never done the "back stage" helper before.
Could be interesting getting a group of giggling 4 and 5 years olds changed and ready to go on stage.
Some days I struggle with one! 

Tuesday was all about settling Miss Lily into School with another Orientation day of which she loved.
I think the only one that's going to struggle with this whole school thing will be me!
Then the attention turned too Miss Keegan and her School performance.
Remember "those" Chef hats :o)

Keegan is the one in the Red Apron.

Wednesday - ahhh a little breathing time today :o)

I managed to finish off this Christmas Mini.....

just as Postie knocked at the door :o)

All the way from New Zealand.
It's my Secret Santa Swap Parcel.

Blogger wont play nicely :(
Here is my beautiful Christmas Decoration.  It's just perfect.
As for the other huge gift, it is under the tree waiting ....... is it Christmas day yet :)
Thank you secret Santa xx

And whilst Miss Lily was at Kinder this afternoon I finished off this Sewing Bag.
It only needed the lining to be hand sew in but it took me over 2.5 hours.
No wonder I was putting it off!

I now have a complete set ready to be gifted.

and because I can, here it is with mine.  I have now made three of these bags. 

We have also managed to squeeze in a Swim this afternoon.
OK I think it's time to pour a glass if wine and go sit, next to the xmas tree and admire
the view.

Hugs, Sharon


  1. Geez. Busy bee. Thought I was but managed a breather today. Looks like fun at your place though. Loved Lilys hair! Such a cutie. Oh and divine sewing bag again. Must make myself one. All the best for getting through the concert. Charlottes was a shamozzle back stage. Astounded at how many parents forgot things like shoes! What is a tap dance without taps? Good luck.

  2. phew i am tired just reading what you get up to Shaz,love all your work,beautiful finishes as always.
    Lots of fun for Miss Lil and Miss Keegan,they looked great dressed up,mum did a good job,have a great week my very clever friend.xx

  3. I'm exhausted just reading your week... thank goodness this time of year only comes once!
    EnJoy this silly season ... :)

  4. Oh and I thought I was busy !!!!!!!!!!!! It's just crazy when you have a house of young kids but enjoy as they grow up sew quickly.. Your wee "Clown" did look gorgeous....
    Can't believe you still managed to do some lovely sewing as well...

  5. Every time I have a look at your blog I dream !!! You always makes beautiful works !

  6. Cute little miss! I cannot imagine trying to comb out all those knots...your project bag is beautiful! this is one project that I did not tackle as zippers are my nemesis...yours however has turned out wonderfully.

  7. Lily looked fantastic in her costume. That hair! It looks fantastic but as soon as I saw it, I thought about the afterwards! Hope there weren't too many tears and from Lily too! Your bag set is gorgeous Sharon. I love the fabrics you have used. Your mini is so cute.

  8. It is definitely a hectic time of year. I love that bag pattern too, but it does take a while to get the lining just right. It works well with a feature fabric on the sides rather than the piecing and stitching. Enjoy the Christmas rush.....and your glass of wine.

  9. This time of year can get so busy with children in the home... let alone all the sewing committments too!!! everything looks fantastic...

  10. Miss Lily looks so cute! Love the sewing set and your mini!

  11. Such a busy time, love your blog post! And your sewing sets!

  12. Whew! I remember those days running around with my girls various activities including ballet and jazz.Glad they are over really lol. Love all the beautiful things you have made. I wish I could get over my fear and anxiety about making bags. I love them but have nothing but trouble making them.

  13. I received your SSCS parcel. The ornaments are very lovely. Thank you.

  14. It is exhausting just reading about it. Miss L is the cutest little girl ever

  15. Where to start....amazing gorgeous cute as....that is Miss Lily...and your stitching is the


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment as I know your time is valuable. hugs xx