
Monday, 19 August 2013

Washi Tape anyone?

How do you store you Washi Tape?

Up until now mine have lived in a box and I just don't seem to use them to their full potential.
It's a bit like, "out of site, out of mind".
So I've been Pinning a few ideas and then on Saturday I found myself in a recycling yard and I knew what Pinned Idea I wanted for my Washi Tape (see HERE)
Look what I found and only $2

So I gave Glenn the link (he likes little projects).
So a little undercoat and a top coat of white and ....

Tada ...... my new Washi Tape Storage System.

I LOVE how the tape pops on the white so you can see what you have. 
I don't think I need anymore Red though.

It sits right here, ready to use and of course in all its Rainbow glory.  Now to add some of the missing colours ....... maybe I should go back and grab the other one as this one might fill up quickly!

Hugs Sharon


  1. What a fantastic idea Sharon....well done!
    Oh and hubby :)

  2. Such a fabulous idea. Clever you.

  3. It looks lovely. Love your rainbow space.

  4. Yours looks awesome! I'm so glad you used the idea, and it looks great with all your other stuff there. Ps, I have a lot of red too :)

  5. a very good idea. What caught my eye were the patchwork boxes wonder how you made them they look so colourful on the shelves

  6. lol you and your tape,you should show Jody this,great idea,well done Glenn.xx

  7. What a great idea - well done Glenn for helping you!! Love the wall hanging too!

  8. What a fabulous idea. It looks great but I think the idea is to use the tapes that are there not run out and fill up the board :)

  9. Cute storage idea!! Looks great. xx

  10. love the done up panel... you know I don'thave any Washi tape... what do you use it for????
    Your sewing space looks so fantastic and pretty and neat..... I daren't show mine!!



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