
Monday, 3 June 2013

Round up ......

At this Bloggers meet we had a very special interstate guest.
The one and only Chez, all the way from Lake Maquarie NSW.

 Shez, Chez and Melody.

One of the events of the day was the "Blue Themed Swap"
Here are some of the ladies opening their gifts.

(Sorry to the ladies that took part and I have missed)

Here are all the beautiful gifts that were swapped.

The standard is set very high with this group of talented ladies.

This is the beautiful gift that I have received :o)

Beautiful vintage treasures.  Needle case, scissor keeper, pin cushion and a lovely
Leanne's House Kit.  Huge thank you Lyn it is just PERFECT for me. 

 After lunch we had Show and Tell.
Here are some of the beautiful creations.

We also had another two special visitors.

Traveling with Chez was Peg and Dale.
These two have been traveling around for over 12 months now
getting up to their antics.

Here are just a few spots I found them.

Trying on one of the beautiful button necklaces.

Taking a break from all the laughter and then a little nanna nap in the wool.

and then like any good Quilter, a little retail therapy.

Huge thank you to all the wonderful ladies who attended.
It was a totally amazing day.

hugs, Sharon


  1. Fabulous pictures. Thank you.

  2. lol love this post Shaz,great pics,still on such a high from yesterday,what an awesome group of ladies.xx

  3. Lovely pic's Sharon, still having a buzz from all the good vibes from all the laughter and fun we got up to :) Barb.

  4. lovely swap parcels great show and tell......getting to meet Chez and the girls.........a great day out.......

  5. ohh lovely photos...looks like you all had a fabulous time!!!

  6. I always enjoy seeing all the photos of your great get together.. Lots of beautiful swap gifts

  7. Great gifts, lovely show and tell. looks like a great day had by all.

  8. It looks like an awesome day was had by all. Fantastic swap gifts and show and tell (especially Floral Beauty!). Thanks for being so welcoming to Peg and Dale too.

  9. Great post, you captured the day beautifully.
    Love the spotlight on Peg and Dale. Didn't realise that they did so much!

  10. Looks like a fantastic day Sharon - would love to have been there. Amazing swap parcels - loved the treasures you received

  11. What a great day with friends and of course fabric.

  12. You got some great photos Sharon. Another great get together!

  13. Great pictures.. so fun to see you all and the amazing things that you all made... wonderful...

  14. Sharon great to see yoou had such a wonderful day out, I do love to see the Show & Tell pics, thank you for sharing them.
    The quilt with the purple-ish border, is that what is called Floral Beauty? golly, what a stunner that one is!!

  15. Everything looks fantastic. Its great that everyone shares their lovely day with us online too. I enjoy reading about it and seeing the photos

  16. Hello Sharon, it simply was the best day...enjoyed your posts..Hugs, O'faigh


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment as I know your time is valuable. hugs xx