
Friday, 25 January 2013

Tonight is the night

It is the first FNSI with friends for 2013.

I plan to work on my Lancaster Quilt and try to get the rest of the border flowers appliqued on.

This is of course dependent on how I feel :(
I am doing this post from my bed with a box of tissues very close.
I am blaming Keegan as she was sick first, then Lily yesterday and now me :(

Oh well, had better go put my "big girl panties" on and drag
myself out of bed as I have to go and pick up the boys school book lists
and pay fees (this is not helping me feel any better).  You know what,
if I could take all that cash to my LQS I am sure I'd be feeling much better
when I got home :)

See you tonight.
Hugs, Sharon


  1. Oh I do hope you feel better for stitching tonight.... lancaster is lovely...

  2. Hope you feel a little stronger as the day goes on. Maybe a nana nap should be on today's agenda.

  3. Hoping you feel better tonight Sharon!!! Sounds like you may need a good nap this afternoon, to get you through, if you can manage it! ... I know what you mean about the school fees - Would *love* to spend my amount at the LQS, but then, that's the price you pay when you want private Christian education for your daughter ... I'm *not* going to be happy come Tuesday when I put my dollars down!

  4. I know exactly how you feel. We have a total of $800 for just text books this year and also need to get a $200 calculator for the eldest for maths. Some stupid graphing thing that can attach to the laptop apparently. I've been picking them up slowly as they come in so haven't noticed it much and we are waiting for the last 5 to turn up. Xmas club account will be topped up more now to cover the books for next year I think and I pay off the fees all year. SO much for cheap public education!

  5. Your Lancaster quilt is lovely! I did the dreaded school shopping yesterday - not much change left from $1000 for my 3 teenagers:(

  6. take it easy kiddo and i hope you are feeling better soon,so glad i no longer have to do school uniforms and book lists,i dont miss that part at all,lol,big hugs and see you tonight.xx

  7. Maybe you could consider home schooling- that might save you some money, but probably give you less sewing time! I hope you are feeling better soon!

  8. Hope you feel better soon Sharon, Ill be joining your tonight if you up for it! You can always stitch in bed :)

  9. Hope you're feeling better soon Sharon. A good dose of stitching should help. Along with little servants making you cups of tea and getting you whatever you want! LOL!

  10. Sorry to hear you are not well, that quilt is looking lovely. I am visiting mum and dad tonight so no sewing for me.

  11. Your Lancaster quilt is coming along beautifully. I hope you give the lurgy the old heave ho quickly.

  12. Your Lancaster is such a beautiful quilt, you are doing great work on it. As for the's a small price to pay for the peace you will have next week. Hope you feel better soon - maybe a medicinal fat quarter?

  13. Hope your feeling better Sharon and get to work on your Lancaster quilt tonight

  14. Gosh that's not good being sick - hope it is short lived and that you are back on your feet soon. Love your Lancaster!

  15. Gee I hope you're starting to feel a bit better :( Not nice to be sick when you want to sew....did you get my email in regards to the Bliss fabric?? :) Barb.

  16. Hope you are feeling better . I was in a shop yesterday that had a dolly and me quilt on the wall. It is just Devine. Your daughter should love it.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment as I know your time is valuable. hugs xx